The adopted time tested teaching methodologies / strategies are stimulating, challenging, relevant and enjoyable. The teaching experts respond to, and meet the needs of the learners.
The teaching methodologies are so developed and refreshed on a regular basis, involving all mentors. A system of feedback from the learners and their parents about teaching & learning experience is effectively utilised to motivate & improve learning.
The phenomenon of imparting knowledge is carried out in such a way that the learners are motivated to identify their learning needs & engage themselves sincerely in the learning process,improve themselves and succeed. The topic explanations and instructions are clear and build on previous learning and real-life experiences. The mentors ensure that learners have opportunities to take responsibility for aspects of their own learning and their relationships with others. The Learners enjoy their experiences of learning while watching themselves progressing in their respective skills & expertise.
LG Academy is a school of achievements, We have been successful in enhancing overall performance and improvement of our student’s progress in becoming successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors to the society. This was possible only when LG Academy could successfully take forward its vision of educational excellence.

Teaching Methodology

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